Friday, October 9, 2009

The Weekend Moment of Zen: I love you and Buddha too

Yesterday I got into a conversation with two second graders about their religions. It's a conversation that makes me proud to be a New Yorker (where else would you find such diversity?) and demonstrates how open and accepting kids are of each other.

Our friends of the Hindu faith are getting ready for Diwali, their festival of lights. One of my students was telling her friends about it during our technology class. A Muslim student chimed in with how they celebrate holidays in his culture. So many ideas were exchanged and, at one point, when they started talking of multiple gods, Allah, and the Prophet Mohammad, I thought, This is going to get intense!

But, it never did. They're seven years old! They sincerely enjoyed learning about each other's religions - finding the similarities and thinking the differences were "cool."

So, for your weekend, a moment of Zen from Mason Jennings, Jack Johnson, and Matt Costa:

For the lyrics click here.

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